Author: TheBlogger

Kayaking in Scotland

This year we visited one of our favourite places, The Scottish Highlands, we didn’t go last year due to the pandemic so when we visited this year we tried to make the most of it and be a little more adventurous than usual and took two inflatable Kayaks and a RIB along with an outboard…

The first positive COVID-19 result in my household

Well, it was going to happen at some point and now my time has come, COVID-19 has finally got me! So I’ve decided I might as well create a day-by-day diary of my COVID-19 Corona virus journey. The Weekend It started on Friday with what I thought was just a normal common cold, runny nose,…

Chrome Hill Hike

Chrome Hill/Dragons Back Vlog We started off in Hollingsclough, headed down Carr Lane until we reached a house with a shed that house an honesty policy shop inside, a great unexpected find and very much welcomed at the end of the hike. From there we simply followed the path along, over a small footbridge which…

Hedgehog Cam

I promised the kids we could make a “Hedgehog Cam” and set it up in what we thought is the most likely place for them to appear in our garden. My initial thoughts was to go down the Raspberry Pi route, with a camera module attached, inside an enclosure etc and although not ridiculous in…

OpenWRT on the WRT3200ACM

Oooooh now then, unhappy with the coverage, signal drops etc of my previous router (not to mention what the wife would say 🙄😂 ) I decided it was time for a replacement, and with everyone being in doors, home schooling and remote working due to the COVID-19 lockdown, I wanted something would tell me at…

Hello world!

Welcome to the place i’ll be dumping the contents of this (aging) brain of mine, perhaps informative, perhaps silly but might be an intersting space… eventually.